Author: Martijn Reintjes

  • My Morning Routine in Apps

    My Morning Routine in Apps

    My mornings used to suck, it was super hard to get out of bed and when I finally managed to do that, it took another 2 hours of pissing away time before I could begin to focus and start being productive. If I could manage that at all! Something had to change, but in my teens

  • Looking into people’s lives

    Looking into people’s lives

    Have you ever thought about how other people live their lives? Maybe you have wondered about how life would be like as a millionaire or a famous rock star, but did you ever think about the lives of your friends and family? You might know where they work and what they do for fun. But

  • How to fix my Christmas

    How to fix my Christmas

    I love my family, but last years Christmas killed me! After 3 full days of family, eating and christmas trees, I was done. “I’m never doing the again!” I proclaimed to Rian. “Next year we’re going on holiday and I don’t want anything to do with Christmas”. What went wrong, you ask? Well let me

  • Designing the lifestyle that fits your dreams

    Designing the lifestyle that fits your dreams

    Sometimes I feel like I am just running through the motions. Days blend into each other with work, chores and social obligations. Don’t get me wrong, I love my work, my friends and family and I even love most of the chores I have to do. But sometimes I just forget that I love them,