
(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

Updated 25 March 2024

Where am I?

I’m traveling and am currently on Koh Lanta for 3 weeks. We still have 2 more months of travel before going home.

Any life updates?

Traveling for 7 months
My family and I are on a 7 month trip that started in October 2023. After spending time in Northern Thailand and Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, we are now in Southern Thailand.
We meet up with good friends from Utrecht and are spending a month traveling together. Our kids are all friends and they are playing and playing and playing.
After our month together we have some time on Koh Tao and Koh Phanang before we finish our trip in Japan.

Being an uncle
My niece was born in Januari and it’s so great to see my brother falling into his role as a father. It’s also nice to notice that him having a child seems to have brought us closer together, even if we haven’t seen each other in 5 months and I haven’t met the baby yet.

Moving houses
We have been looking for a bigger house for our family for 2 or 3 years now, but we finally committed of moving to Nijmegen after we get back from our travels. Somebody made an offer on our house which sped things along.
Plan is to start our kids into their new school after the summer break.

What am I working on?
Together with my wife I run, an online platform where we help parents with parenting problems and to raise their children in a positive, solution focussed way. As a child psychologist, she is the knowledge expert and I focus on business development and the technical site of the business.
I’m currently migrating our classic WordPress theme (Astra) to a Block Theme (Spectra One) and I love the process and how smooth WordPress Blocks work.

Next steps
My wife and I are a great team, but we discovered that working together in the business is also an extra potential axis of friction in our relationship. So we decided that I will be leaving Psychogoed somewhere in 2024.
This means I need to leave her capable of running the business by herself AND having to discover what my new opportunity will be. I’m leaning to building a SaaS business.
I’ve compiled a list of a lot of different ideas I’m excited about, but haven’t committed to a project yet.

What else am I doing?

Learning to Draw
I always thought I couldn’t draw, something that got infused in my brain in school. But since having kids, I wanted to motivate them to draw, so I started leading by example. And you know what, drawing isn’t hard! It’s just a skill and I am now carrying a sketchbook with me all the time to practice and become better.

I’ve been reading a lot again since a couple of years and am still going strong. I mostly read sci-fi books but also a lot of business, biographies and and some philosophy or social study books. You can find my reading list on Goodreads.