Author: Martijn Reintjes

  • Serious Gaming against Poverty

    Today is Blog Action Day, an annual nonprofit event that aims to unite the world’s bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post the same issue on the same day and to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. This years issue is poverty. But what has poverty to do with advergames? Advergames are a kind of…

  • Recognize the bluff!

    The ongoing marketing campaign of Holland Casino (the Dutch national casino) focusses on funny sketches wherein tips are given about how to play in a casino. Tips like “only bluff in cases where you can pull it of” and “know where your chances lay”. In support of the tv-commercials Holland Casino now launched a high-budget…

  • Verjaardags verlanglijstje

    komende zaterdag (de 18de) ben ik jarig en aangezien ik van alle kanten gevraagd werd of ik nog wensen had zet ik hier maar eventjes een lijstje neer. Heb nog wel eventjes online gekeken naar een tof…meer

  • Social Games the next step in advergaming?

    “Games and social networks are predicted to become the new hype, fusing communities and networks with playing against your friends, family and people you know (or don’t). Set aside the pure entertainment value, users also get to know their friends interests, strengths and weaknesses in a fun and interactive way. There are a lot of…