Me in 30 seconds…

I’m a Dutch entrepreneur, builder, and storyteller at heart, home-based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, with my wife and our three children. I thrive on creating—from businesses and digital projects to crafting meals and furniture. My current adventure? Exploring South East Asia with my family for 7 months, embracing the joy of fatherhood and the beauty of the world.

Currently I co-run with my wife, she is the brains and I do the technical side and business development. But 2024 brings new opportunities and I plan on launching a new business or project every two months to continually test and expand my horizons.

My life philosophy? It’s all about the stories we create and share. I’m constantly seeking new experiences to enrich my narrative, I only feel I need to work on my storytelling skills.

Join me on my journey as I share tales of entrepreneurship, family adventures, and the art of making the world a better place, one story at a time.

Want to know what I am doing right now? See my now page!

Latest writings:

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